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Legal Analysis of the Textbook System and Curriculum Regulations in Taiwan
作者 曾大千
The current education system in Taiwan is mainly operated based upon curriculum regulations, i.e., curriculum standards or curriculum guidelines, established by the authorized administrations. The education system encompasses: elementary and secondary schools, preschools, tutorial education, special education, as well as the military and police education. Among them, compulsory education, senior high education and vocational education are all governed by the textbook review and approval system in an attempt to meet the official curriculum regulations. Under the framework of current law systems, the curriculum regulations in the elementary and secondary schools are administrative rules without direct external effects as legal norms, according to the Ministry of Education. Yet, textbooks that are edited, reviewed and approved based on the curriculum regulations are required instructional materials in schools. To clarify the disputes, this study analyzes curriculum regulations and approved textbooks by consulting the related law and regulations, as well as the textbook review and approval system. The study finds that by defining curriculum regulations as administrative rules, it has the potential value of respecting teachers as professionals and enhancing curriculum autonomy. However, considering the current social condition and overall law system in Taiwan, it is essential to recognize the legal order status of curriculum regulations because this makes it legitimate to require the adoption of the approved textbooks, which, in turn, helps realize the national curriculum regulations and textbook policies.
起訖頁 1-24
關鍵詞 教育法教科書審定課程綱要課程標準curriculum guidelinescurriculum standardseducation lawtextbook review and approval system
刊名 作者授權  
期數 202109 (2021:9期)
該期刊-上一篇 論教學上之著作合理使用與法律限制
該期刊-下一篇 從多元文化教育理念論弱勢者教育之法制內涵




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