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Examining the Localization of the Education of Indigenous People in Taiwan from the Law and Regulations
作者 曾大千何思瞇
From the 17 th century to the end of the World War II, the educational policies of indigenous People in Taiwan were in favor of governmental authorities. This did not change until the 1980s when the subjectivity of the indigenous People received more and more attention. Based on the concept of localization, this paper attempts to discuss the continuity and discontinuity of the educational policies of the indigenous People in the eras of colonization, postwar, and constitutional state respectively. Such a discussion will help examine the connotations of policies and measures related to the education of indigenous People and whether they meet contemporary trends and future prospects. Finally, this paper contrasts the constitutional position with the current educational policies and measures of the indigenous People in Taiwan in order to clarify their core values. Hopefully, this could facilitate the establishment of more educational policies that respect the autonomy of indigenous People.
起訖頁 1-34
關鍵詞 原住民族教育法教育政策indigenous Peopleeducational laweducational policy
刊名 作者授權  
期數 202109 (2021:9期)
該期刊-上一篇 論教育基本權的內涵與功能
該期刊-下一篇 論教學上之著作合理使用與法律限制




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