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Accomplishing Accountable, Effective Aid Work
Accomplishing Accountable, Effective Aid Work
ODA has grown steadily over the past 50 years, rising from US$5.8 billion in 1965 to US$126.3 billion by 2012. However, due to a lack of coordination among donors and the fact that actual development needs have not always received appropriate consideration, as well as political and diplomatic factors, the effects of aid have not always been effective, and many developing countries, especially in Africa, have been unable to cast off poverty.
起訖頁 6-15
刊名 International Cooperation and Development Fund Ann  
期數 201312 (2013期)
出版單位 財團法人國際合作發展基金會
該期刊-上一篇 With Aid Effectiveness and Capacity Building as Our Guiding Lights, We Can Share Prosperity And Wellbeing with the International Community
該期刊-下一篇 Special Reports(2013)




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