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The Measurement of“Concept'' in Social Science-An example of the Measurement of National Identity Based on its Concept
作者 呂英華
After the abolishment of the Martial Law, the controversy of national identity arose gradually in Taiwanese society. Governments, political parties, and academic community researched a lot on the identity issue and presented plenty of papers by using survey research.“Unification / Independence”“Taiwanese/ Chinese”and“State Elements”are the three patterns of the questionnaire commonly-used to measure national identity. This paper tries to investigate the related concepts of national identity and the developments of the above three patterns of questionnaire. In the theoretical dimension, this paper investigates the concepts of nation, identity and national identity. Then it focuses on the debate on whether national identity is an instrumentally rational thinking or a primordially emotional attribution. This paper also involves the formation of people's attitudes to national identity in terms of related theories. In Taiwanese realistic environment dimension, this paper extends political socialization theory in order to investigate the important factors of the diversities of national identity in Taiwan. According to the results of this research, national identity cannot be achieved without any composition of rational thinking. Although the Six-Category Measurement of Preferences on the Unification-Independence Issue is affected by realistic conditions, such as military force and economy between the both sides, we can present the pure idea and practical consideration of national identity at the same time by using condition questions. The concept of the questions of“Taiwanese/ Chinese”is similar to that of“Ethnic Identity”in the comprehension of people. So these questions are not proper for us to measure the concept of national identity. Although the“State Elements”questions are also affected by the interviewees' comprehension, those questions are still affected a little bit by the real conditions between the both sides. In the three different patterns of the questionnaire developed by You Yng-Long(游盈隆)、Liu I-chou (劉義周) and Mainland Affair Council, the questionnaire developed by Mainland Affair Council is suitable for us to survey the concept of national identity, because these questions integrate the advantages of the other two patterns of questions.
起訖頁 19-44
關鍵詞 國家認同概念測量National IdentityConceptMeasurement
刊名 競爭力評論  
期數 201403  (17期)
出版單位 中華國家競爭力研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 村里治理的理論與實務:以花蓮縣村里長之認知為例
該期刊-下一篇 精神專科醫療院所人力投入對服務績效影響之研究──以台灣地區七家公立精神專科醫療院所為例




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