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臺北城市科技大學通識學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

From the Sino-French War, the Qing-Aboriginal War to Cession of Taiwan: Articles About Taiwan in Dianshizhai Pictorial
作者 顧敏耀
During the late Qing Dynasty, various journals blossomed up since the latest printing technique that time had been introduced to China from Western culture. Among them, Dianshizhai Pictorial, issued from May 1884 to August 1898, was famous for its vivid images, various topics and articles related to current events. These features are later being focused by historians or artists. Even though the majority of four thousand or so images focused on Mainland China (18 provinces in China), still many other events in Taiwan were reported, including the Sino-French War during 1884 to 1885, the Qing-Aboriginal War during 1885 to 1895, the Cession of Taiwan in 1895 or even the whale beaching episode in Penghu. Its vivid wording and pictures revealed the Taiwanese society and history during the last ten-year of Qing-governed and the first four-year of Japanese-governed periods. The journalists intended to present the Taiwanese society and history at that time in their points of view. Some of the reports were historically real, while others seemed to be rumors. The images were the combination of traditional Chinese style and the Western style, which were drawn by the masters of the Qing Empire. The reports were written in the Note Novel style and easy for people to read. The reports in Dianshizhai Pictorial own a vital role in various aspects: the art, literature, and history. Dianshizhai Pictorial is one of the critical social media in late Qing-governed period, and it is an essential material for studying the ordinary people's viewpoint towards Taiwan in that time.
起訖頁 65-92
關鍵詞 圖像敘事臺灣史清法戰爭乙未割臺臺灣原住民開山撫番Narrative ImagesHistory of TaiwanSino-French WarCession of TaiwanTaiwanese Aboriginalthe Qing-Aboriginal War
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 202003  (9期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 吳石等叛亂案之研究
該期刊-下一篇 移動的宗教空間與儀式展演:以兩岸媽祖進香為例




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