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Crack: the Cognition Origin of Chinese Characters' Visual Representation
作者 林慶文
Modern calligraphy tends to create visual graphics, while its contents are often derived from Classics. Some innovators borrow pop lyrics and colloquial vocabulary as means of reflecting trends and news, demonstrating their concerns about contemporary issues. The diminishing of characters and the boost of images are the general flows. Perhaps this phenomenon can be linked with communication tools, mass information and transmission speed. This paper will further detail“cracks”from the lines on oracle bones, which is the origin of Chinese characters, as the base of the revolution of reading and understanding astrology and characters. And since these two ways are diverse, the meanings they lead to differ. Additionally,“cracks”serve both the function of dividing and the result of visual purpose. Since language and characters are the foundation of the society, the concept of“cracks”demonstrates human's divergent conditions from within nature to civilization to self-cognition. Disparity acquires communication, thus discriminating“cracks”can be viewed as a new perspective on creation, or even a practice of expanding one's cognition.
起訖頁 3-23
關鍵詞 書法裂縫漢字圖像CalligraphyCrackChinese CharacterImage
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 202003  (9期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-下一篇 吳石等叛亂案之研究




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