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Cross-dressing in the Variety Dramas of the Ming Dynasty: Comparing NüZhuangyuan and Nan Huanghou
作者 傅含章
Cross-dressing is a literary theme that triggers dramatic tension within Chinese novels and operas. This theme explores male and female transvestism (a practice that runs counter to traditional Chinese gender culture, which emphasizes characteristic differences between men and women and strict segregation of the sexes), which often arouses readers' interest. NüZhuangyuan (Female Primus) by Xu Wei and Nan Huanghou (Male Queen) by Wang Ji-De are Zaju (variety dramas) from the Ming Dynasty that feature male and female transvestism, respectively. NüZhuangyuan has the female protagonist Huang Chonggu cross-dressing as a man to participate in the Chinese imperial examinations. In Nan Huanghou, the male protagonist Chen Zigao admires his appearance so much that he cross-dresses as a woman. By changing their gender roles, the characters earn the titles of Zhuangyuan and Queen, respectively. Their efforts to achieve high social status pique the audience’s interest. Moreover, the mentalities of both characters and the motivations of the authors can be compared and discussed. This study analyzed both dramas to shed a different light on the theme of cross-dressing in Zaju from the Ming Dynasty.
起訖頁 55-75
關鍵詞 明雜劇扮裝女狀元男王后性別dramas of the Ming DynastyCross-dressingNüZhuangyuanNan Huanghousex
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 201803  (7期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 敦煌民間詞與盛中唐文人詞之比較
該期刊-下一篇 三十殘缺錄──霹靂布袋戲失能角色研究(1985-2015)




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