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Sound and Auditory Sense Effects: Increase Laptop External Mini Speaker Volume Study
作者 陳柏宏
研究音響與聽覺效果:增益筆電外接袖珍型喇叭音量研究,以「Sound Meter」測量儀測量統計數據,研究如何擺設位置方式與位子,以及反射板材質不同,找出一種或多種方法有增益多媒體播放機音響聲音的方法之研究。研究是以「Sound Meter」測量儀,並測量出擺設位置方式及反射板材質不同的「Sound Meter」測量儀測量所得數據,找出可增益多媒體播放機音響的擺設方式、位子,以及反射板的材質;針對正面擺置與反面擺置,以及擺設方式及反射板材質不同,測得之「Sound Meter」測量儀數據以統計方式,找出如何有效增益多媒體播放機音響。此增益方法將可應用在喇叭企業發展、多媒體播放機音響、教學音響、多媒體材料設計、多媒體材料及噪音自然災害人文環保關懷之科學創意等上面。
Study on Sound and Auditory Sense Effects: Increase Laptop External Mini Speaker Volume Study. It takes“Sound Meter”measuring instrument for obtaining measuring statistics so as to study how and where the laptop speaker can be positioned. The paper utilizes reflective plates made of different materials to identify one or more methods for achieving the stereo sound of the multimedia player. This study is based on the measuring instrument“Sound Meter”against various reflective panels made of different materials to detect the best position and method of positioning the player. According to the positioning of the front and the back, the reflective panels made of different materials, the data can be obtained from“Sound Meter”to statistically find out the best media player stereo. This method can be applied to gain horn of enterprise development, multimedia player, stereo, teaching audio, multimedia material design, multimedia materials and environmental care of the noise of natural disasters and other top creative humanities.
起訖頁 343-367
關鍵詞 教學音響喇叭企業多媒體材料設計噪音自然災害環保人文環境關懷科學創意teaching stereospeakers enterprisemultimedia material designthe noise of natural disastersenvironmental protectionhuman environment carescientific creativity
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 201604  (5期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣辦公室英文溝通能力之研究




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