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Study on“Modern Weekly”(1945-1946) and Postwar KMT“Implanting-China”Policy as Reflected Therein
作者 陳正茂
The early postwar period, Taiwan cultural of magazine, showing different from the Japanese colonial era, the magazine contents of a large number of political article, which is to show the spirit of the times, while also shows the characteristics of the magazine as a public discourse. In the time, Wu Ke-gang editor of“Modern Weekly”can be used for right-wing magazine representative, because the journal issue longer and content rich in addition, the main cause of the journal on behalf of the National Government at that time to control Taiwan“Implanting- China”policy. The early postwar period, the National Government was the colonial in Taiwan for 50 years in Japan, Taiwanese both in terms of ideas, behavior, social and cultural aspects has a deep influence of Japan. So early postwar the National Government that is how to make the Taiwan rapid“Implanting- China”, public advocacy and education is the fastest way, by a official to publish“Modern Weekly”, the contents of“Implanting- China”as the main focus of discussion. The magazines are reporting that with the introduction of a multi-faceted content includes political, economic, social and cultural,“Modern Weekly”Although the pro-official magazine, but in the content-oriented, To compare in accordance with a independence magazine standpoint, this is to be worth definite positive,“Modern Weekly”as the research topic, it appears to have its meaning and importance; First explore the Chinese intellectuals at that time the idea of National Government“Implanting-China Policy”Second to understand where the policy blind spot? And Taiwanese can not accept the reasons why.
起訖頁 121-144
關鍵詞 《現代週刊》吳克剛「去日本化」「再中國化」國民政府Modern WeeklyWu Ke-gang(吳克剛)Uprooting Japan(去日本化)Implanting-China(再中國化)National Government
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 201504  (4期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 當代臺灣宗教研究者的集體亮相:評江燦騰主編《當代臺灣宗教研究精粹論集:詮釋建構者群像》
該期刊-下一篇 外國企業來台第一上市(櫃)的法律及監理風險初探:再生案與中晶案觀察




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