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The Transformation of Traditional Courtyard Houses’Forms in Penghu: Illustrated by Tongliang Lin Family Ancient House
作者 張宇彤
民宅是建築中最基本、最廣泛、與人關係最密切的部分,來自外在環境的影響,往往在其形式及空間構成上直接地反映與呈現。藉由民宅形式衍化的分析,實可洞悉移民過程中民宅形式因應環境的變遷而進行的調整與修正。在民宅形式變遷的分析上,最大的問題來自形式年代的不確定性。因此,民宅年代的確定,遂為形式發展研究上首要的工作。澎湖在日治時期諸多的遷村行動,為日治時期民宅形式作法提供實證,但清領時期的形式作法,卻無可以確定的實例。 通梁林家古宅據目前相關史料研判,創建年代至少在清乾隆36年(1711)以前,為目前澎湖地區少見之年代久遠、形制完整的案例。其建築構成中的大型脊頭、木櫸出櫸、尪架等,均未見於日治以後的民宅中。尤為難能可貴的,其相關史料極為豐富,有足夠的契約、族譜可供佐證確實的創建年代,在民宅形式變遷的研判上扮演著重要的佐證角色。本文以通梁林家古宅為開端,透過與澎湖現存傳統民宅形式特徵比對的方式,理出澎湖傳統民宅形式變遷的脈絡,並藉由其衍化背後因素的解析,探討建築形式衍化的動力。
A dwelling house is the most popular built type and the most common sort of building that people are close to. The external environment affects the form and space of dwelling houses directly. By analyzing the transformation of house forms, we can realize that when people move and relocate to other place, they will build their houses in different forms to follow the changing times. However, the biggest problem in research is that it is hard to know the construction date of each house. Therefore, the primary task is to confirm in what year the houses were built. Frequent relocation in Penghu left various houses in different forms during the Japanese colonial period. Few houses built in the Qing Dynasty remain at the settlement. Based on the related data, the construction date of Lin Family’s Ancient House at Tongliang is before the 36th year of Qianlong reign, during the Qing Dynasty (1711). These days is rare to see this kind of building, old but well-preserved, in Penghu and its’materials are not used in and after the Japanese colonial period such as large horseback roofs, wood eave brackets and Wang Jia. The most inspiring discovery is that the deeds of the house and Lin’s family tree are still preserved; these sources are enough to prove the construction date of the building and have greatly contributed to the research into the transformation of house forms. According to the above reasons, the author introduces Lin Family’s Ancient House at Tongliang first and then compares the house’s form with other existing Penghu traditional houses. By doing this, the author probes the process of transformation and factors which made the transformation.
起訖頁 5-20
關鍵詞 澎湖傳統民宅形式變遷衍化Traditional Houses in PenghuTransformation of Building FormsTransformation
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201109 (17期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-下一篇 「國立臺灣博物館」火災風險分析及應變管理對策




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