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The Courses and Comparison between Taiwan and the United States in Historic Preservation
作者 杜正宇
In 1949, while the United States began the third phase of the preservation movement built on elements of the Community and Culture Preservation, Taiwan dealt with its post-war preservation policy. Up to 1998, with the influence of globalization, Taiwan’s preservation efforts turned to concentrate on the community. However, the results were poor. In 2009, Taiwan’s government stopped the Reuse Policy of transforming historical buildings into museums or art centers because afterwards they could barely survive. There were differences between Taiwan and the United States in historic preservation: (1) Inner Philosophy: Historicism (Taiwan) vs. Pragmatism (the U.S.); (2) Agency in Charge: Council for Cultural Affairs (Taiwan) vs. the National Park Service (Lead Federal Agency); the National Trust (to unite the public and private efforts); State Historic Preservation Officers (responsible for the National Register of Historic Places); the Advisory Council for Historic Preservation (an independent federal agency, to mitigate adverse effects of federal actions); (3) Policy Principles: using imprisonment and high fines to limit private property rights (Taiwan) vs. deducting revenue tax to compensate the historic buildings’owners (the U.S.); (4) Reuse: overemphasizing and restricting (Taiwan) vs. maintaining for habitation and business (the U.S.).
起訖頁 17-36
關鍵詞 歷史保存文化資產美國古蹟再利用地方文化館Historic PreservationCultural HeritageTaiwanHistorical MuseumAdaptive Use
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201012 (14期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 文化多樣性在台灣文化資產的體現
該期刊-下一篇 卑南族婦女除草團(Misahur)的復振與傳承──以台東下賓朗(Pinaseki)部落為例




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