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An Exploratory Essay on Contradictions and Contexts in the policy of Historic Property Development Rights Transfer in Taipei City
作者 徐燕興丁育群
This article investigates whether, in the interaction between the public sphere and heritage conservation policies, the subjective meanings of conservation per se are dynamically modifiable or whether government responds to conscious changes in development policy. By exploring conservation practice and property development restrictions in Taiwan, three types of conservation systems have been articulated: remedial measures for those landowners whose development rights are limited by heritage conservation; acquiring of reserved land for public amenity under government fiscal crisis; and development capacity games under neo-liberalism. These types of development exercise have affected public sector heritage conservation and revitalized heritage, but with the current development system, the exercise has turned into a form of neoliberal urban power game and is an obstacle to conservation. The meanings of heritage conservation is dynamic, envisaging the constraint, and reconstruction of public sector heritage conservation is particularly important. In addition, the way authority sophisticatedly modifies its governance responding to structural changes is also urgently demanding.
起訖頁 5-22
關鍵詞 文化資產容積移轉古蹟容積移轉都市政策臺北市Cultural PropertyTransfer of Development Right (TDR)Monuments Development TransferUrban PolicyTaipei City
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201006 (12期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-下一篇 以數位思考方式詮釋臺灣傳統大木司阜設計思維




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