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Taiwanese Ethnology-Anthropology: The Research Field and the Possibility Images of these Disciplines
作者 周士煌
"本文定義「台灣民族學」為研究台灣諸民族ethnos的學問。為了將台灣諸民族了解清楚,其研究領域或學科會有所伸縮。學科的傳統領域則為以研究原住民族為基礎的人類學相關研究,本文即討論已往學史寫作中呈現的學史像及台灣民族學研究領域的伸縮。 呼應上述概念,本文討論「學科的傳統領域」、「台灣原住民族史及中國民族史在台灣」、「學科傳統領域的深化及擴大——客家研究、地名、方誌」、「從學科傳統領域到知識體系」,研究對象涉及Lán-lâng(咱人)/Holo、Hakka(客家)、原住民族、中國少數民族等既有學史寫作的發展。 學科發展的轉折,主要體現在etic朝向emic觀點的尋求與觀點改變。學科傳統領域則在學史中表達了不同學術傳承的「接枝」問題。研究對象的擴大也能反應上述改變。而單一學科早已無法對「民族」清楚了解,從過往的學史中,我們看到在政策的支持下,原住民族和客家,討論並成形「知識體系」。而Lán-lâng/Holo的研究目前則委身於各地方學localogy之中、尚待發展。 民族相關諸學,觀察其學史發展,為分立學科。但若以民族為主體,則諸分立學科又產生關聯,綜合為知識體系。若以台灣諸民族的知識體系為台灣學,則台灣學,為國學nationalogy。"
This paper defines ''Taiwanese ethnology'' as the knowledge of the ethnos of Taiwan. To clearly understand the ethnos of Taiwan, the research field and related disciplines would be broadened/narrowed. The traditional field of the discipline is the anthropological research based on studying the aborigines; this paper discusses the images of the disciplines presented by the writings of the disciplinary history, and the broadening/narrowing of the ''Taiwanese ethnology''. This paper discusses ''the traditional field of the discipline, its deepening and broadening'', ''the ethnohistory of Taiwanese Indigenous and Chinese ethnic minorities'', and ''from the traditional field of the discipline toward the knowledge system''. The research object involves the Lán-lâng/ Holo, Hakka, the Indigenous, the Chinese ethnic minorities. The turning point of the discipline is mainly presented by the shifting of the viewpoint from etic towards emic. The traditional field of the discipline has also showed the ''grafting problem'' in the different of disciplinary inheriting. A single discipline could no longer let us clearly understand ''ethnos''; also we could see that under the support of policies, the researches of Indigenous and Hakka has now formed ''knowledge systems''. Meanwhile, the studies of Lán-lâng/ Holo are currently under ''localogy'' of different locations and pending for development. The disciplines related to ethnos, observing from their disciplinary histories, are individual from each other. However, if ethnos itself is deemed as the subject, the individual disciplines would then be all related, and further become knowledge systems, as known as ''Taiwanology'', the ''nationalogy'' of Taiwan.
起訖頁 163-200
關鍵詞 台灣民族學知識體系台灣學國學Taiwanese ethnologyknowledge systemTaiwanologyNationalogy
刊名 民族學界  
期數 202010 (46期)
出版單位 國立政治大學民族學系
該期刊-上一篇 「失序」與「重構」:清朝咸同年間雲南漢回事變與邊疆治理研究(1856-1874)
該期刊-下一篇 鄉鎮誌編印二十年:從排版照相製版印刷跨行到攝影美編印刷




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