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Integrating Direct and Representative Democracy: An Analysis of the Referendum System in Switzerland and Germany
作者 許友芳蘇子喬
Generally speaking, as a form of direct democracy, the referendum is implemented to compensate for the shortcomings of representative politics. However, this view implies that direct democracy is in a certain sense superior to representative democracy, and the role of representative organs in referendum procedures is often overlooked. Empirical research about direct democracy has gradually confirmed that systems based on the concept of direct democracy do not necessarily produce results that are more representative of public opinion. Therefore, in this article, we challenge the view that direct democracy is necessarily an appropriate instrument to make up for the shortcomings of representative democracy, and argue that it is equally important for representative democracy to correct the shortcomings of direct democracy. From this perspective, this article examines the relevant regulations for the referendum in Switzerland and Hamburg, Germany. We focus on the time required for the referendum process in the two cases, and the timing and function of how the government and the representative assembly are included in the referendum process. Finally, this article explores the performance of the two referendum systems in improving the visibility of referendums, strengthening the interaction between representative organs and sponsors, and ensuring constitutionality. Since the role of the representative organs in the process of initiating a referendum has received very little attention in the discussion of the referendum system in Taiwan, how the referendum can be better integrated with representative democracy is a particularly worthwhile topic. This article proposes that if Taiwan were to include the parliamentary parties in the deliberations already during the process of launching a referendum (rather than after the fact), allow for early review by the Constitutional Court, and provide for the possibility of the representative organs directly making counter-proposals, this would further strengthen our representative democracy and better complement the mechanisms of direct democracy.
起訖頁 115-157
關鍵詞 直接民主代議民主公民投票創制direct democracyrepresentative democracyreferenduminitiative
刊名 行政暨政策學報  
期數 202106 (72期)
出版單位 國立政治大學公共行政暨政策學系
該期刊-上一篇 全民健康保險委員會決策參與影響因素之探析:社會網絡分析的觀點
該期刊-下一篇 我國能源政策實施政策環評之成效分析:以離岸風電區塊開發政策之政策環評為例




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