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Ways to Pursue Career Success from the Public Servants' Perspectives: A Q Methodology Study in Taiwan
作者 陳揚中陳敦源 (Don-Yun Chen)張鎧如董祥開
"長久以來,我國政府人事管理主要是從上到下的資源管理思維,很少有機會從下到上、以人為本的角度切入思考,本研究試圖透過職涯發展理論與公務人員「為官之道」的認知連結,展現臺灣公務人員對於如何能擁有成功之職涯發展的認知圖像。本研究以「個人與組織之配適度」(person-organization fit)以及「職涯成功」(career success)的理論觀點為主軸,試著討論公務職涯管理、職涯成功與為官之道三者之間的關聯性意義,並以Q方法論為主要研究途徑,透過39位臺灣公務人員由Q排列展現他們對於如何能在公務體系獲取良好的職涯發展之認知,而歸納和詮釋出六種主要類型,包含:團隊整合型、品牌經營型、專業保守型、領導學習型、交際關係型、與管家侍從型。此外,本研究更進一步嘗試連結量化的問卷調查,藉由3,661份問卷調查的資料,確認不同認知類型之公務人員的分布狀況。最後,本研究嘗試從組織管理的角度思考,結合為官之道、職涯成功、以及個人與組織之配適等理論觀點,對公務職涯管理的研究與實務進行省思。而本研究建構之臺灣公務人員職涯發展的自我認知圖像,除了對公務人員管理與發展實務有所啟發外,也可作為未來針對公務人員職涯成功的定義與探索之研究基礎。"
This study combined ideas of "the ways of being a public official" and "career development theory" to explore how public servants pursue a successful career in Taiwan. The person-organization fit theory and career success theory are applied to discuss the relationships among concepts of public career management, career success, and the ways of being a public official. Through interviewing with 39 public servants and conducting a large-sample questionnaire survey, this mixed-method study utilizes Q methodology to identify six patterns of pursuing career success from public servants' viewpoint, including "boundary spanner," "personal branding master," "conservative expert," "management trainee," "coat-tail rider," and "steward." The frequency distribution results of the above six patterns by analyzing a total of 3,661 survey respondents also presented in this study. Based on the research findings, this study contributes to advancing our understanding of career success for public servants in Taiwan from both academic and practical perspectives.
起訖頁 1-66
關鍵詞 公務職涯管理職涯成功為官之道Q方法論public career managementcareer successthe ways of being a public officialQ methodology
刊名 行政暨政策學報  
期數 202106 (72期)
出版單位 國立政治大學公共行政暨政策學系
該期刊-下一篇 全民健康保險委員會決策參與影響因素之探析:社會網絡分析的觀點




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