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Applications of Virtual Exercise and Psychophysiological Signals in Sports Environment Psychology
作者 王采蕎蔡佳良 (Chia-Liang Tsai)
In recent years, virtual exercises have gradually received attention in the field of sports, which can improve sports performance and promote physical and mental health. Previous findings in environmental psychology have confirmed that contact with nature can bring well-being. In previous sport psychology literature, how the virtual natural sports environments interact with physical activities to achieve the restoration effect are absent. This article is thus based on the cave virtual environment and integrates the psycholphysiological signal devices to discuss the restoration effect through exercise. The virtual natural environment can provide the similar health benefits brought by the real natural environment. Based on changes in data such as eye movements, brain waves, and galvanic skin response, it is known that exposure to the cave virtual natural environment is beneficial for physical health and mental restoration. In the future, it is necessary to explore environment and sportscape elements suitable for users in the virtual exercise environment. This will assist sports service industry operators to design more attractive sports experience services.
起訖頁 1-30
關鍵詞 虛擬運動虛擬環境虛擬實境眼動腦波膚電反應Virtual exerciseVirtual environmentVREye movementEEGGSR
刊名 人文社會科學研究:教育類  
期數 202103 (15:1期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學人文暨社會科學院
該期刊-下一篇 課堂冒險:探索教育活動實施對大學生團隊凝聚力與生活效能影響之研究




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