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The Follow-up Effect of the Telephone Counseling for Smoking Cessation on Premature Termination Cases
作者 吳仙琦張景然 (Ching-Jan Chang)
本研究旨在了解電話戒菸諮商個案是否完成諮商在戒菸效果上的差異,並探討電話戒菸諮商個案的背景資料、吸菸相關行為、諮商員背景資料與諮商員和個案的性別配對在諮商是否完成的差異。本研究採用立意取樣,以行政院衛生署國民健康局委託「張老師」基金會成立的「戒菸專線服務中心」之電話戒菸諮商個案為研究對象,並以電話調查方式追蹤一個月、三個月及六個月的戒菸效果,總計有452筆有效資料。以SPSS 10.0中文版進行描述性統計、卡方(x²)檢定方法加以考驗之。本研究的重要發現為:(一)電話戒菸諮商完成個案在結案、一個月、三個月及六個月的戒斷率上皆顯著高於電話戒菸諮商未完成個案。(二)在電話戒菸諮商個案中,女性個案的諮商未完成比率顯著高於男性個案。(三)在電話戒菸諮商個案中,家人有吸菸者的諮商未完成比率顯著高於家人無吸菸者。(四)在電話戒菸諮商個案中,其諮商員心理相關科系的諮商未完成比率顯著高於社工和社福相關科系。(五)在電話戒菸諮商個案中,其諮商員年資兩年以上者的諮商未完成比率顯著高於超過一年未滿兩年者。(六)在諮商員和個案的性別配對上,男諮商員和男個案的諮商未完成比率顯著高於女諮商員和男個案。最後根據研究發現提出研究建議,作為未來研究和電話戒菸諮商實務工作的參考。
The purposes of this study were to understand the difference in the effect of smoking cessation between mature and premature termination cases. This study also investigated if the backgrounds, smoking related behaviors, counselors' backgrounds and counselor-client gender dyads affect the termination of smoking cessation cases. By using purposive sampling, the subjects were the telephone counseling for smoking cessation cases in "Taiwan Smokers' Helpline" established by Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health, Taiwan. It was using the telephone survey to follow up the effect of smoking cessation on 1 month, 3 months and 6 months. There were 452 valid samples. SPSS (Chinese version) was used to analyze the samples with the methods: descriptive statistics, and t-test. The remarkable findings were: (a) The quit rates of smoking of mature termination cases (termination, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months) were significantly higher than premature termination cases. (b) Among the smoking cessation cases with telephone counseling, female clients significantly had higher the premature termination rates than male clients. (c) Among the smoking cessation cases with telephone counseling, clients with smoking family had significantly the premature termination rates higher than clients with no smoking family. (d) Among the telephone counseling for smoking cessation cases, those whose counselors with psychology major significantly showed higher premature termination rates than the counselors with social work and social welfare major. (e) Among the telephone counseling for smoking cessation cases, those whose counselors with more than 2 years of the seniority significantly produced higher premature termination rates than the counselors with over 1 year or under 2 years of the seniority. (f) About the counselor-client gender dyads, male counselor and male client (male-male) significantly produced higher premature termination rates than female counselor and male client (female-male.) Finally, according to the findings of this study, the suggestions were provided for further study and the practice of the telephone counseling for smoking cessation.
起訖頁 89-111
關鍵詞 未完成諮商戒菸電話諮商premature terminationsmoking cessationtelephone counseling
刊名 諮商心理與復健諮商學報  
期數 201305 (25期)
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學輔導與諮商研究所
該期刊-上一篇 台灣人愛情風格量表再修訂--以大學生族群為本
該期刊-下一篇 同儕意外死亡對高中生班級人際衝擊及其哀傷




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