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Protector revealed: an initiative to archaeologically document, interpret and showcase an historic Australian warship with laser scanning technology
作者 Hunter, J.W. (Hunter, J.W.)Jateff, E.A. (Jateff, E.A.)Herath, N. (Herath, N.)Van den Hengel, A. (Van den Hengel, A.)
Her Majesty's Colonial Ship (HMCS) Protector was one of Australia's first purpose-built warships. It served the colonial navy of South Australia between 1884 and 1901 and was later a fleet asset of both the Commonwealth Naval Forces and Royal Australian Navy. Following service in the First World War, Protector was decommissioned and spent over a decade as a civilian transport before again being placed in military service during the Second World War. It was subsequently damaged in a collision and scuttled as a breakwater on the Great Barrier Reef in 1944. In 2013, the South Australian Maritime Museum spearheaded a laser scanning survey of Protector as part of a larger initiative to archaeologically document the site and virtually showcase it within a centenary exhibition marking the outbreak of the First World War. What follows is a brief synopsis of Protector 's history, a discussion of methodologies employed to document its surviving remnants, and how digital data obtained during the project are being utilized in the site's ongoing interpretation and exhibition.
起訖頁 27-42
關鍵詞 海洋考古學澳洲軍艦雷射掃描三維模型遺產保護Maritime archaeologyAustraliaWarshipLaser scanning3D modellingHeritage preservation
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201609 (37期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 影像式三維重建於水下考古之先期研究
該期刊-下一篇 三維建模技術於出水遺物保存維護工作之應用案例探討




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