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Festival Soundscapes: As the Drifting Folk Impressions or as the Memory and Representation of Extraordinary Auditory Situation (Circumstance).
作者 范揚坤
Festival times are different from the everyday life experiences and become distinctive occasions, in which people spend time strolling back and forth and participating in the festival events, and in which people become the focus of these festivities. Along with different genres of festivals, certain sound phenomena combine into extraordinary soundscapes. The theme of this research begins with the subject of“festive soundscape”by discussing the characters of chosen sound phenomena from different festivals, including the geographical relationships between specific sounds and certain locales, the varieties of folk music genres, and the analysis of sound texture in relation to their production environments and the components of selected events. This research aims to examine the“sound”aspects of festivals, and the“festival”qualities accordingly. Built upon the theoretical framework of“soundscape”this research illustrates the sound expressions and arrangements in the folk space of festivals, and the necessity for identifying various cultural meanings of different festive sounds.
起訖頁 27-57
關鍵詞 民俗節慶音景民俗音樂無形文化資產FolkloreFestivalSoundscapeFolk MusicIntangible Cultural Heritage
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201508 (32期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 探討臺灣社區大學中與自然遺產有關的成人環境教育課程
該期刊-下一篇 信仰可以保護嗎?「信仰」作為無形文化遺產申報與保護對象的檢討




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