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Applying TRIZ to Improve Lemon-Juicer Design
作者 杜佳玲邵揮洲
對大多數人而言,自己榨取一杯新鮮檸檬汁很麻煩。因此,本研究致力於改善現有的創意檸檬取汁器,期能讓使用者同時滿足其在功能面與感性面的需求。本研究動機歸因於「市面上販售的創意檸檬取汁器缺乏感性面的設計考量」,因此透過搜尋取汁器相關的專利,挑選出具備現有創意檸檬取汁器優點的設計。經使用者長時間與特定產品的互動過程,整理出這些設計的優缺點。接著以系統化創新問題解決理論 (TRIZ)做為改善缺點的分析工具。透過TRIZ理論的創新原則,讓思維在知識與經驗之間反覆發散與收斂,並以不同的角度重新面對待解決的問題,跳脫既有的思維,達到真正的設計改善。此次設計改善的成果,能讓使用者從容優雅的榨取檸檬汁,在操作過程中不需再為黏膩的雙手與雜亂的桌面煩惱。
Tuicing a cup of fresh lemon juice makes a lot of hassles for most people. 'Thus, this study wouldJimprove existing designs of lemon juicer and eventually satisty the user needs for both fumctionand Kansei. The purpose of this study is owing to that ''although there is a wide variety of lemonjuicers in the market, however, most of ther m are lacking consider etation of Kansei design.'' Thus, thisstudy searched the patters for lemon juicet et and picked the juicers reative design factors.Through user studies for a long period of time, this study summarized the user experiences and thenall of the factors and conditions were put into TRIZ as a tool to systen ve existing lemonjuicer design. TRIZ allows designer to generate and synthesize the design idea between knowledgeand experience and face the problen in diflerent po points of viewsfinally get the new an nd innovate soltions. Thus, this study improved existingvs to design a new lemon juicer, andng designs of lemon juicerand eventually enables elegant user experience for using new lemon juicer which can avoid pollutinghands and the enviroonsent.
起訖頁 28-43
關鍵詞 檸檬取汁器TRIZ優雅 lemnon juicetTRIZelegant
刊名 感性學報  
期數 201407 (2:2期)
出版單位 臺灣感性學會
該期刊-上一篇 視覺與觸覺意象評估差異之探討
該期刊-下一篇 瞳孔變化量用於汽車圖片引發情緒反應之評鑑




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