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The Procurement Factors of Government Defense Integrity Index: Taiwan Case
作者 曹耀鈞
Government Defense Integrity Index (GDI) of Taiwan has been evaluated twice in 2013 and 2015, and the Ministry of National Defense received a good rating of Band "B" (low risk of corruption), but the procurement factor is Band "B" in 2013 was downgraded to the Band "C" in 2015. For the 2020 new evaluation, this research specifically points out several strategies to effectively prevent corruption risks brought by military procurement, including: 1. Establish clear procurement regulations and policies. 2. Contract manufacturers' legal compliance and anti-corruption provisions. 3. The government outside audit and the internal audit department of the Ministry of National Defense actively overview. 4. Anti-corruption training for procurement officials and require them to exercise necessary control over contracts in execution. 5. Appropriate contract information disclosure and encourage action competition. 6. Strengthen the process of defense procurement policy debate and citizen participation. In summary, it is necessary to increase the transparency of relevant information in the procurement contract; establish relevant basic procurement policies and legal or policy basis; prevent the oligopoly or monopoly; reduce the manipulation power of procurement officials; and then impose the accountability for contractors to prevent corruption risks caused by procurement fraud.
起訖頁 1-15
關鍵詞 政府國防廉潔指標採購GDICPIGovernment Defense Integrity IndexProcurementGDICPI
刊名 公共事務評論  
期數 202102 (19:1期)
出版單位 中華公共事務管理學會
該期刊-下一篇 公共政策網路參與平台之政策行銷功能探討以眾開講為例




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