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Comparing Specific and Ad Valorem Taxes under Price-Inelastic Demand with Quality Differentiation
作者 Kuang-Cheng Andy WangPing-Yao ChouWen-Jung Liang
We examine the superiority of a specific tax and an ad valorem tax in a fully covered model with vertical differentiation, in which the demand elasticities of the products are inelastic. By focusing on the influences of vertical differentiation and inelastic demand, we show that a specific tax is superior to an ad valorem tax in the short run, when the marginal cost of the high-quality product is relatively low or is relatively high and the ad valorem tax rate is high. We also show that a specific tax may not only be welfare superior to, but may also Pareto dominate an ad valorem tax in the long run, when the ad valorem tax rate is high. These two results imply that the government should impose a specific tax on products with price-inelastic demand if the tax revenue requirement is high. Besides, we obtain that the main result remains unchanged when one of the firms is a foreign firm, and that the firms' equilibrium quality levels and outputs will change to become identical to welfare-maximizing levels regardless of the tax schemes, when one of the firms is a public firm.
起訖頁 183-216
關鍵詞 從量稅從價稅品質差異需求缺乏彈性Specific taxAd valoremtaxQuality differentiationPrice-inelastic demand
刊名 經濟論文  
期數 202006 (48:2期)
出版單位 中央研究院經濟研究所
該期刊-上一篇 遺產稅的效率面
該期刊-下一篇 貿易成本與國際商品課稅原則的選擇──垂直產品差異的角色




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