英文摘要 |
Encephalitis and acute flaccid paralysis are both statutory infectious diseases. Acuteflaccid paralysis, induced by the Japanese Encephalitis virus infection, not onlyinfluences the patient on physiology, mentality and spirituality , but also increases thecost and impacts public health issues. This report describes the nursing experienceof a male patient who suffered from respiratory failure and acute flaccid paralysisafter a Japanese Encephalitis virus infection. This patient was transferred toour intensive care ward for further treatment because his condition did not improveunder initial management. His health problem was based on the Gordon 11Health- Physiological Scale through the direct care , clinical observation and interviews. His health problems included ineffective airway clearance, dysfunctional ventilatoryweaning response, disability, anxiety, fever , local dermal destruction, selfcareability deficiency , and altered patterns of urinary elimination. His musclepower was apparently improved by the individual interventions even though he stillpartially depended on the ventilator before he was transferred to the long-termrespiratory care unit. The recovery of muscle power is beneficial to prognosis. Veryfew adult cases have been reported in the literature review, and therefore we arewilling to share this particular experience which might be very helpful. |