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Predicting Factors on Quality of Life in Cancer Patients
作者 陳美碧 (Mei-Bih Chen)謝麗鳳 (Li-Feng Hsieh)林惠蘭李淑貞林純如蔡欣玲
The purposes of this study were to survey the quality of life (QOL) and to examine the predicting factors of life quality in cancer patients. A cross-sectional study design was conducted using a structured questionnaires in a medical center during a 12-month period. The sample consisted of 200 cancer inpatients. The measurement included WHOQOLBREF, symptom distress, pain visual analogy scale, and ECOG (Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group) performance status. The results found the quality of life in cancer patients were in the median level. Symptom distress, and ECOG performance status were significantly associated with the quality of life using stepwise analysis. Cancer patients with severe symptom distress, poor ECOG and illness stage IV were found significantly associated with poor psychological domain of QOL. Severe symptom distress, elder-age, and males were also found statistically associated with the poor social relationship domain of QOL. The finding suggest a health care team could provide symptoms management, and intervene in these predicting factors to improve the quality of life in cancer patients.
起訖頁 352-362
關鍵詞 癌症病人生活品質日常生活狀態cancer patientquality of life (QOL)ECOG
刊名 榮總護理  
期數 200412 (21:4期)
出版單位 榮總護理雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 一位大腸癌末期病患併發放射性出血性膀胱炎之護理經驗
該期刊-下一篇 安寧療護疼痛處置參考指引於癌末病患使用成效之調查




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