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The Insulator of the Symbolic - The Leading Actor Forever, Lee Kang-Sheng
作者 陳莘
This paper began with “Why has Lee Kang-Sheng become the leading actor in Tsai Ming-Liang's imagery?”. This proposition, unlike “What is a movie?” and “What are images?”, gives thoughts to the actor's influence on Tsai Ming-Liang's creations. Movie review have long lacked observations of the creative habits. “The long-term choice of the same actor” throughout Tsai Ming-Liang's life is a phenomenon that cannot be overlooked in order to explore how the nearly 30 years of cooperation has exerted an influence on his development. This paper adopted mirror stage in the psychoanalytic theory of French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan to examine possible resistance in image emerge. In the two short films “Xiao Kang” and “Single Belief”, Lee Kang-Sheng is the sole leading actor, which can be found that the actor's slow and rawness materiality makes the foreclosure effect of the symbolic lose efficacy. As Tsai Ming-Liang promoted Lee Kang-Sheng's form of slow walking into a rank above “I”, the change in the ethical relationship led him to the realization that it was the entrance to the Real. “What is an actor?” and “What is an image?” were originally two different propositions, but when Tsai Ming-Liang decided to use Lee Kang-Sheng's face as the face of the image, the filming process was gradually turned into a special field leading to the generation of the subject.
起訖頁 1-33
關鍵詞 蔡明亮李康生鏡像階段理型論象徵界Tsai Ming-liangLee Kang-shengMirror StageTheory of Formsthe Symbolic
刊名 文化研究季刊  
期數 202012 (172期)
出版單位 文化研究學會
該期刊-下一篇 收藏作為一種創作──試論李明則《拾到寶》個展中的遊戲性




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