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Working With Involuntary Clients Affected by Domestic Violence: Experiences of Protective Services Social Workers
作者 賴秦瑩 (Chin-Ying Lai)郭俊巖 (Chun-Yen Kuo)王蘭心
A major difficulty in domestic violence prevention is the reluctance of victims to leave the perpetrator and the resulting refusal to allow social workers’ intervention. This complicates the precise evaluation of the victim’s potential risks by the social worker, and therefore constitutes a problem in domestic violence prevention. This study was conducted from a social worker’s point of view and investigated the reasons for the refusal of intervention by involuntary clients. An additional aim was to understand the dilemmas that social workers face when intervening with involuntary clients. Qualitative data was collected through focus group interviews with four frontline social workers. First, data analysis revealed several reasons for the refusal of intervention by female victims: (a) the perpetrator uses his power and hinders the victim from seeking help; (b) the victim has contributed greatly to the family and hence refuses to leave after being abused; (c) internalization of the patriarchy causes the victim to accept the violence; (d) the victim is haunted by the patriarchy and is reluctant to leave her ill but violent husband; and (e) in the case of domestic violence, the village chief publicly admonishes the victim for causing the loss of face for the husband. Second, although prevention schemes for involuntary clients may be a valuable supplement to the domestic prevention network, a reconsideration of existing policies may be required: (a) an integration of domestic prevention organizations and other prevention systems is required to find involuntary clients in need of intervention quicker; (b) to raise victims’ willingness to report their circumstances, domestic violence prevention organizations should address existing silo mentality and the communication problems caused by the existence of different reporting channels and systems; (c) new social workers’ professional skills should be enhanced; and (d) the village chief’s manner of service provision in dealing with domestic violence cases should be improved.
起訖頁 55-101
關鍵詞 親密關係暴力低意願父權文化家庭暴力女性被害人Intimate Partner ViolenceWeak WillPatriarchyDomestic ViolenceFemale Victim
刊名 台灣社會福利學刊  
期數 202012 (16:2期)
出版單位 台灣社會福利學會
該期刊-上一篇 社區日間照顧中心老人參與正向心理課程對其憂鬱情緒改善成效之探討
該期刊-下一篇 第三部門的弔詭發展──以臺灣都市更新政策相關非營利組織的發展為例




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