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Measuring the Economic Benefits from Recreation by Using the Mixed Logit Model
作者 江福松李仲英李皇照
Discrete response models have been applied to many fields such as resource management, transportation studies, commodity brand studies, and recreation studies. The mixed logit model (MXL) is interesting because it is flexible, in a sense that it is a generalization of all discrete response models based on random utility maximization. The MXL can capture the random heterogeneous preference of the consumers, which is its unique strength among discrete response models.Typically, the ultimate goal of recreation studies is to obtain economic benefits related to changing site attributes or availability. The literature states that the welfare effects obtained by using the MXL are significantly affected by the interpretation of its random terms. One interpretation denotes the randomness as capturing taste differences among the consumers; another denotes the random terms as capturing measurement errors. The literature finds that the welfare effects the welfare effects based on the first interpretation are all substantially larger than those the welfare effects based on the second interpretation. This study uses a different data set. With more sites and under more distributions of the random parameters, I find that the interpretation of its random terms sometimes significantly affects the welfare effects. However, the welfare effects based on the first interpretation is not always larger than the welfare effects based on the second interpretation.This study also uses empirical data to illustrate that, when the travel cost is a random parameter, the welfare effects based on the first interpretation is significantly biased. A third formula based on the same interpretation is appropriate. These findings help understanding the welfare measurement when using the MXL. Therefore, it helps the application of the MXL in the study of natural recreational resource management as well as in other fields.
起訖頁 117-148
關鍵詞 差分需求體系模型選擇總合食品mixed logit model conditional logit welfare random parameter resource economics environment quality
刊名 農業經濟  
期數 200112 (70期)
出版單位 國立中興大學應用經濟學系
該期刊-上一篇 奧萬大森林遊樂區遊客付費意願分析--多指標多因子模式之應用
該期刊-下一篇 以綜合隨機效用模型衡量遊憩之經濟價值




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