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A Study on Promoting the Mobility of Farmland Usufruct in Taiwan
作者 劉欽泉蕭景燈
Ever since the First Stage of Farmland Reform was carried out in Taiwan, the implementation of 37.5% rent reduction and land-to-the-tiller programs has great contribution to agricultural development during the period of 1950-1965. However, this reform not only limited the expansion of farm size but overly protected the tenants. Therefore, these consequences became hindrances of adjustment of agricultural structure due to the substantial change in agricultural constitution induced by rapid economic development in 1970s.Though the Second Stage of Farmland Reform has been implemented during 1980s for solving the problems of agricultural structure, the enlargement of farm size was not significant due to the rigidity of farmland usufruct. The revision of the Agricultural Development Act on year of 2000 attempts to expand farm size by way of farmland lease. But it is not clear if this goal can be attained before the 37.5% Rent Reduction Act is rescinded and the suspicion of whether the leased farmland is easily to retrieve is eliminated. Farmland tenure in Germany is pertaining to the privately-owned property system under which the farmland is privately and individually operated, which is similar to the system in Taiwan. As for the changes of land rights, there are a variety of formations can be chosen under the principles of farmland is for agrarian use only. To consider the cost-benefit analysis of obtaining farmland rights, farmland lease is the most effective way to enlarge the scale of farming operations, hence the legislation and measures that Germany adopted to promote the mobility of farmland usufruct are good examples for Taiwan.
起訖頁 1-29
關鍵詞 農地改革農業結構地權使用權租賃Farmland Reform Agricultural Structure Tenure Usufruct Lease
刊名 農業經濟  
期數 200106 (69期)
出版單位 國立中興大學應用經濟學系
該期刊-下一篇 農家已婚婦女勞動參與的多重選擇模型




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