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A Study of Establishing Vegetable Low-temperature Distribution Center System: An Example of Water Bamboo and Bamboo Shoot
作者 李宗儒 (Tzong-Ru Lee)
The demand and supply of vegetables in Taiwan are fairly balanced and the prices of vegetables are reasonable except during seasonal abnormal weather periods. Since the market mechanism is stable, this research is aim to find out whether the current marketing system can provide customers with high-quality vegetables. The purpose of this paper is to establish a low-temperature distribution center system (LDCS) to improve the vegetable quality to meet future customer needs. Water bamboo and bamboo shoot having the characteristics of easy weight lost are selected as research object. The content of LDCS is to determine the number, location and service area of the low-temperature distribution center with the least cost in building and transportation. In this paper, three mathematical models are built. Model (MI) is a nonlinear programming model and model (M2) is an integer programming model with huge amount of integer variables. The common character of model (Ml) and model (M2) is that it is not easy to find the optimal solution. Hence, model (M3) with the characteristics of linear 0-1 integer programming is proposed. Model (M3) is easier to find the optimal solution which is the same as that of model (M2). Model (M3) is chosen to formulate the distribution system. Daily data in 1999 and Cplex software are used to solve model (M3). In the optimal solution, a distribution center for water bamboo should be established in Keelung, Taipei, Taoyuan, Miaoli, Yunlin, Kaohsiung, Taitung, Hwalien respectively. Also, Keelung, Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Nantou, Tainan, Kaohsiung and Pingtung county/city should have a distribution center respectively for bamboo shoot.
起訖頁 27-56
關鍵詞 菱白筍竹筍菠菜低溫集貨場預冷運銷Water bamboo Bamboo shoot Vegetable Low-temperature distribution centerCooling Marketing
刊名 農業經濟  
期數 200012 (68期)
出版單位 國立中興大學應用經濟學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣養殖魚類需求體系之研究--逆需求體系模型之應用
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣水果價格之平穩性測定




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