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Why and How to Read the Zhuangzi? Late Ming Neidan Master Cheng Yining’s Answer
作者 安龍
The Commentary and Sub-commentary to the True Classic of Southern Splendor is a late Ming commentary on the Zhuangzi, which interprets it from a Neidan perspective. The author Cheng Yining develops an original hermeneutical strategy, seldom seen in the history of Zhuangzi exegesis: he reads the Zhuangzi as an inner alchemy classic, and his commentary aims to uncover its alchemical meaning. To support his reading, Cheng Yining creates a new figure for the author Zhuangzi, who becomes a transformation body of the Most High Lord Lao, and writes the Southern Splendor to reveal to the world the road to immortality using “symbolic words.” Cheng Yining’s goal is to decipher those symbols, thus offering what he sees as the sole way of reading the Zhuangzi that remains true to its original intent. His commentary stands as a meritorious deed, accomplished by Cheng Yining to provide the real meaning of the Zhuangzi, and to gain the Most High Lord Lao’s help to complete his own inner alchemical practice.
起訖頁 147-169
關鍵詞 程以寧詮釋學內丹明末思想《莊子》Cheng Yininghermeneuticsinner alchemyLate Ming thoughtZhuangzi
刊名 師大學報  
期數 202009 (65:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 當代中國道教養生修練:一個現象的微觀




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