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Immortality and Longevity: Hsi-Wang-Mu and Her Immortal Daoist Skills in Tales of Emperor Wu of Han
作者 高莉芬
From time immemorial, Daoists have practiced immortality as their goal. In terms of its historical development, the goddess Hsi-Wang-Mu was an important deity in the Han dynasty. Many images of the goddess appear in the tombs of the Han dynasty. In the carvings and paintings in the tombs of the ancestral hall, Hsi-Wang-Mu (西王母) is depicted performing her sacred duties, soothing the fear of the living and the spirit of the dead when they face death; meanwhile, Hsi- Wang-Mu can inspire their expectation of immortality. For the Han dynasty people, Hsi-Wang- Mu is the goddess who masters the “pills of immortality.” The pursuit of immortality has been at the core of the Daoist thought since the Qin and Han Dynasties and has since become the focus of health preservation of Daoism Dandao (丹道). Hsi-Wang-Mu is closely related to the development of immortal thought in the Middle Ages. The content of the Tales of Emperor Wu of Han has Daoist features and clearly reflects the immortal thought and health preservation concept contained in the mythological narrative of Hsi-Wang-Mu since the Han Dynasty. The image of the goddess in Tales of Emperor Wu of Han differs considerably from that in the pre-Qin and Warring States period, when she became a sacred goddess. In Tales of Emperor Wu of Han, Hsi-Wang-Mu’s teaching are based on the “immortal Daoist skills.” The practice methods mentioned in the book can be divided according to the narrative content of the text into three main themes: cultivation of immortals, health-preserving skills, and way of variety. These are related to the development of Hsi-Wang-Mu’s beliefs and body cultivation techniques, which is worth further research. This article focuses on Tales of Emperor Wu of Han, explores the specific connotation of the goddess Hsi-Wang-Mu and her teachings of “immortal Daoist skills” in the Daoist scriptures in the Middle Ages; furthermore, it also discusses its significance and the function of the belief in the contemporary Hsi-Wang-Mu.
起訖頁 001-025
關鍵詞 仙道西王母長生《漢武帝內傳》養生way of the immortalsHsi-Wang-MuimmortalityTales of Emperor Wu of Hanhealth preservation
刊名 師大學報  
期數 202009 (65:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-下一篇 《凝陽董真人遇仙記》淺析—董守志、登真洞、全真道




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