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An Inspection from Tulous and Clan Ancestral Temples to the Development of Hakka Villages in Zao-an County, Fujian Province, China
作者 黃衍明 (Yen-Ming Huang)

本文以中國福建漳州詔安縣北部客家地區的秀篆鎮陳龍村龍潭樓聚落、官陂鎮大邊村大樓聚落、霞葛鎮嗣下村嗣昌樓聚落為研究對象,進行土樓、祠堂與聚落發展進程的調查與研究。 本文採「現象-假說-驗證」研究法,從田野調查經驗發現土樓、祠堂的五種現象,根據五現象擬定三項假說:「土樓為聚落之起源」、「聚落發展模式與宗族、姓氏之向心力或其他遷入因素有關,或與民居類型更替有關」、「祠堂座落位置顯示土樓在聚落組成的重要程度」。隨後以文獻探討、田野調查、圖資分析等進行假說驗證。 本研究有四點發現:1)若干客家聚落以土樓為名,並非該土樓是聚落起源,而是該土樓最為人知曉,具有指涉地點之功能。2)土樓群發展可分「擴張」、「複製」、「散落」三種模式,與宗族向心力、民居類型更替均有關:主屋「擴張」出護屋乃因宗族發展、人口增加;土樓「複製」模式宗族某房財力條件允許而分出另建新土樓;「散落」是土樓空間不足、居住環境不佳、老舊不易維護,而使宗族成員到外圍另行建屋或購屋,其遠因是文化大革命減弱宗族勢力;而改革開放後經濟條件改善、居住需求增加則是近因。3)祠堂與土樓的關係演變趨勢應是由「土樓單元型」、「土樓內獨立型」,走向「土樓外獨立型」、「家廟型」。4)從土樓閒置與傾頹、土樓外散落新式樓房、祠堂類型的演變等現象,皆觀察到土樓的宗族地位與意義已逐漸式微。



The paper addresses on the survey and research of tulous and clan ancestral temples at three Hakka hamlets located at the northern part of Zao-an County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, which are Longtan-Lo Hamlet in Chenlong Village, Xiuzhuan Township, Dalou Hamlet in Dabien Village, Guanpi Township, and Suichang-lo Hamlet in Suisha Village, Xiage Township. The paper adopts ""phenomena-hypothesis-verification"" as research method. Five phenomena about tulous and clan ancestral temples had been found in previous field surveys. According to the five phenomena three hypotheses are proposed as follows. 1) Tulou initiated a hamlet. 2) The solidarity of clan, the immigrants of other clans, or substitute of building types might cause the development or divergence of a hamlet. 3) The place of a clan ancestral temple indicates the importance of tulous in a hamlet. After that, literature review, field survey, and map analysis are executed to verify three hypotheses. This research has four findings. 1) A hamlet was named after a tulou does not mean the hamlet emerged from the tulou. That only means that the tulou is significant enough to be an indicators of the hamlet. 2) The development of tulou cluster can be categorized as three patterns: expansion, clone, and scatter, relating to the solidarity of clan, and substitute of building types. Clan development and increase of population causes main tulou expand its accompanying tulous. When space is insufficient, living environment is not satisfied, and building is too old to be maintained, the householders move out and live in surrounding new scattered houses. The remote cause is that the clan solidity had been weakened after the Cultural Revolution. The proximate cause of hamlet deconstruction is the economic improvement after the Reform of China. 3) The evolution of clan ancestral temple-tulou relationship is from ""a unit of tulou"", ""an isolated temple in tulou"" to ""an isolated temple outside tulou"", and ""a unified family temple"". 4) The importance of tulous in clan as well as hamlet is declining. It can be sensed from the phenomena of the idle and dump of tulous, the scattered new houses surrounding old tulous, and the typological evolution of clan ancestral temples.


起訖頁 115-137
關鍵詞 土樓祠堂聚落客家詔安縣TulouClan Ancestral TempleHamletHakkaZao-an County
刊名 建築學報  
期數 202009 (113期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 日本「世界文化遺產」保育之研究--探討「傳統建造物群保存地區」和「文化景觀」雙軌制度的實施




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