Due to rapid changes in market environment, knowledge integration capabilities among supply chain members have become an important factor in adapting to rapid market changes. In the past, traditional industries often wanted to use quality improvement to create better performance, but whether pure quality management can directly affect the performance of enterprises. The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between quality management practices, supply chain knowledge integration capability and business performance. This empirical study targets to the machinery industry in Taiwan. The structural equation model would prove the hypotheses and verify the relationship between quality management practices, supply chain knowledge integration capability, and business performance. The results of research indicated that quality management practice is positively related to the supply chain knowledge integration capability. Supply chain knowledge integration capability is positively related to the business performance; however, Supply chain knowledge integration capability of plays an intermediary role in quality management practices and business performance. The contribution this study is to make up for the past quality management practice divided into hard quality management practice and soft quality management practice. The management implication highlights that the machinery industry can not only rely on quality management practice, but also focus on the knowledge integration capability of supply chain. Therefore, the empirical results show that enterprises must improve their business performance through the knowledge integration capability of supply chain.