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Taking Healing Environment into Living Space for Elderly
作者 陳柏宗 (Po-Tsung Chen)蘇玲玉 (Ling-Yu Su)王雅婷 (Ya-Ting Wang)林義濱 (Yi-Pin Lin)

高齡社會的到來已是各國需積極面對的課題,藉由外界的物理刺激來改善因身體機能的衰退而導致個體面 對逆境的身心狀態,進而提升晚年生活品質,已是日益受到重視與探討的高齡議題。本研究秉持以協助高齡者 在日常居家生活可以排解壓力、恢復心靈平和的「安定」為目標,探討如何藉由療癒性生活環境的規劃設計與 提供,來促進身、心、靈三者間的平衡,以提升高齡者晚年生活的品質,來達到促進健康生活的願景。 本研究以文獻回顧、AHP 層級分析建立療癒性環境要項,再以焦點團體以及團體家屋的實地參訪進行療癒 性環境要項的驗證。最後整理訪談結果並運用檢核表要項,提出療癒環境的規劃設計之原則及建議,盼能使療 癒性環境的設計與使用更加簡易明瞭,可輕易推廣至社會大眾,在未來能逐步被實踐於各類高齡者居住環境中, 以提升高齡者的生活品質,達到在地化健康老化與活力老化。



The advent of an aged society has become a serious issue which many countries need to deal with. When it comes to considering the aspects of living environments for the aged population, a “safe” barrier-free environment, a community-based care service that can offer the state of “peace of mind”, and a pressure-relieving and mentally restoring “stability state” ought to be taken into account in order to plan and create a healing environment. A balanced body-mind-spirit condition can therefore be achieved, opening a door to the “successful aging” for the elderly. In terms of methodology, literature review helped to construct the inventory of healing environment. Focus group were then introduced to check the contents, in-depth interviews went after to find out the status healing elements are used in Taiwan now and some advices were given thus. Eventually, suggested key points for designing healing environments in Taiwan are drawn up for future reference. The results could be the foundation of the database of healing environment in Taiwan. On one hand, this database could be taken as a reference and guiding principle by designers. On the other hand, post-occupancy evaluation and suggestions from the users/representatives could be viewed as tangible improvement recommendations for existing healing environments. In our wish, a comprehensive and healthy healing environment can therefore go into the space properly and smoothly. This in turn can facilitate the local practice and offer applications of successful aging.


起訖頁 021-036
關鍵詞 療癒環境室內設計團體家屋高齡者Healing EnvironmentInterior DesignGroup HomeElderly
刊名 建築學報  
期數 202006 (112增刊期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 活化閒置空間為高齡者日間照顧據點之研究--以閒置校舍為例
該期刊-下一篇 邁向超高齡社會的安老照顧環境規劃-- 以環境賦能為目標




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