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Zhong Mountain in the Military History of the Six Dynasties: An Investigation of Longwei and Baitugang
作者 蔡宗憲 (Tsung-hsien Tsai)

六朝都城建康的地理形勢,素有龍盤虎踞之稱,其中龍盤即指東北方的鍾山。南朝時,建康曾遭遇數次來自北道的進攻,然而鍾山的屏障效果有限,有時甚至反成為敵方進攻的憑藉。建康北以玄武湖與鍾山為屏障,其布防主要置於湖與山之間的京口大道,駐兵於覆舟山與鍾山西巖,至於山上及山北的駐防,顯然相當薄弱,以致時常為敵所趁。 從北道攻打建康的戰事中,鍾山龍尾與白土岡是兩個重要的攻防據點。不過,對於它們的地理位置,歷來多有誤解,如認為龍尾即是今鍾山西南的富貴山、白土岡在鍾山西北。經詳加考證後,本文推論龍尾當在鍾山之北,而白土岡在鍾山之南。如此,與鍾山相關的戰事,方能得到較為合理的解說,並可重新評估鍾山在建康軍事防衛上的重要性。



The geographical condition of the capital city Jiankang in the Six Dynasties is commonly described as a location "like a dragon coiled and a tiger crouched. " The crouched tiger refers to Zhong Mountain (Zhong Shan), northeast of the city. During the Southern Dynasties, Jiankang was attacked several times from the north. Yet the protective effect of Zhong Mountain was limited, and it sometimes became a vulnerable location from which enemies launched attacks. That was because Jiankang ’s military deployments were established mainly between Zhong Mountain and Xuanwu Lake, along the road to Jingkou, especially in the areas of Fuzhou Mountain (Fuzhou Shan) and on the west side of Zhong Mountain. As regards the mountain top and its northern side, the military arrangement was comparatively weak, and was often taken advantage of by enemies.

Among the defensive positions that are often referred to in records regarding invasions of Jiankang from the north, the locations of Longwei and Baitugang have often been misidentified. Longwei is often regarded as today’s Fugui Mountain, southwest of Zhong Mountain, while Baitugang is placed to its northwest. However, the author’s examination finds that Longwei is north of Zhong Mountain, and Baitugang to its south. As such, battles around Zhong Mountain can be more reasonably explained and its strategic importance can be re-evaluated properly.


起訖頁 287-327
關鍵詞 建康鍾山龍尾白土岡龍盤虎踞JiankangZhong MountainLongweiBaitugang"like a dragon coiled and a tiger crouched"
刊名 早期中國史研究  
期數 201912 (11期)
該期刊-上一篇 秦法與秦國父系家庭的形成




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