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Acupuncture Therapy for Dysphagia in a Preterm Infant: A Case Report
作者 張雅筑 (Ya-Chu Chang)邱馨卉 (Hsin-Hui Chiu)洪裕強 (Yu-Chiang Hung)胡文龍 (Wen-Long Hu)

一位1 歲4 個月早產兒且出生極低體重的發展遲緩兒童,因吞嚥困難,長期留置鼻胃管,伴隨四肢無力,並且生長曲線低於3% 以下,以及認知、語言和動作多方面發展遲緩,經開業醫師轉介至本院中醫門診尋求針灸治療,選用水溝、十二井穴、足三里,每星期2 次針灸治療。於第13 次治療後,得以移除鼻胃管,經口進食;治療四個月後,貝萊嬰兒發展量表第三版評估,認知與動作發展皆有進步;治療六個月後,四肢肌力進步,逐漸學會爬行、站立和獨立行走的能力。本案例在中醫屬五遲和五軟的範疇,本研究顯示在兩歲前針灸介入早期療育,有助於改善早產兒的吞嚥困難及發展遲緩。



A 1 year 4 month-old boy had dysphagia and had received nasogastric tube feeding since birth. Medical history revealed that he was born preterm with a very low birth weight. In addition, he had four-limb weakness, cognition, language and motor developmental delay, and a growth curve below 3%. He was referred by local medical doctor and brought to our Chinese medical outpatient department for acupuncture treatment. Shuigou (GV26), twelve-well points, and Zusanli (ST36) were used for acupuncture therapy twice a week. After thirteen treatment sessions, the nasogastric tube was removed, and the patient began to tolerate oral feeding. Furthermore, evaluation with the Bayley Scale of Infant Development-III revealed that his cognition and motor development had improved after four months of treatment. His muscle power also improved. He gradually learned to crawl and stand; he could walk independently after six months of treatment. In this case, he was diagnosed with five kinds of retardations and flaccidity. Our report reveals the benefits of acupuncture combined with early intervention for the treatment of dysphagia and developmental delay in preterm infants before two years old.


起訖頁 108-118
關鍵詞 吞嚥困難早產兒出生體重極低發展遲緩井穴針刺dysphagia, preterm infantvery-low-birth-weightdevelopmental delaytwelve-well pointsacupuncture
刊名 中醫藥雜誌  
期數 201912 (30:2期)
出版單位 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所(原:國立中國醫藥研究所)
該期刊-上一篇 東垣《脾胃論》陽氣興衰與陰火生成之五運六氣亢害原理
該期刊-下一篇 薄氏腹針治療對類固醇治療無效的病毒感染後的嗅覺異常─病例報告




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