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The Return to Society Program and Practice of All Community Integration Model of Drug-addicted HIV(+)/AIDS people
作者 張麗玉 (Li-Yu Chang)李聲吼 (Shang-Hou Lee)施盈宜 (Ying-Yi Shih)陳宛蓁 (Wan-Chen Chen)






This program is promoted by the need for self-reliance and social reintegration of drug-addicted HIV(+)/AIDS people. The target audience is a vulnerable family of drug addiction HIV(+)/AIDS carriers, drug addiction HIV(+)/AIDS and their families, and adopts a comprehensive community integration model. Drug addiction HIV(+)/AIDS people return to the road of social reintegration, the family and society.

The service connotation mainly provides social reintegration and family support for drug-addicted HIV-positive people. It provides individual and group counselling, transfer services and links to relevant social resource networks through full-service services, including employment, accompanying medical care, family care, and drug rehabilitation, counseling, placement, etc. This service links the services between the community and the correctional or medical institution. Providing a continuous treatment service for social reversion of drug-addicted HIV(+)/AIDS patients.

In results: 1. There are better health management habits to improve drug addiction and AIDS; 2. Provide employment counseling, improve employability, and most of them have reached employment and stable employment for more than three months; 3. Helping to establish good living habits And interaction, the quality of life has improved; 4. It has promoted positive interpersonal interactions and harmonious family relationships, which in turn has improved self-identity and confidence; 5. Through comprehensive assistance to drug addiction, AIDS, and drug addiction The survivors returned to the society and the family, re-emphasizing life and self-reliance, and all the mood depression was improved, and more than 90% of the overall service satisfaction was satisfied.

Based on the effectiveness of the project, we will put forward practical suggestions for the return of the drug addiction AIDS society, civil society and the government, with a view to providing reference for future practice and policy.


起訖頁 213-236
關鍵詞 藥癮愛滋感染者更生人社區整合模式社會復歸Drug Addiction HIV(+)/AIDSRehabilitatedCommunity Integration ModelReturn to Society
刊名 臺灣社區工作與社區研究學刊  
期數 201910 (9:2期)
出版單位 臺灣社區工作與社區研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 文化資本透過社會資本中介影響地方發展的研究—以新港鄉為例




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