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The Therapeutic Effect of Chinese Medicine Combined with Acupuncture on Quadriplegiaafter Meningoencephalitis Caused by Adenovirus– A Case Report
作者 李俊廷 (Chun-Ting Lee)沈哲民 (Jer-Ming Sheen)洪裕強 (Yu-Chiang Hung)胡文龍 (Wen-Long Hu)盧政男 (Cheng-Nan Lu)

本病例報告為一6 歲女童,於民國106 年5 月15 日開始,出現發燒、腹脹等症狀,經過高雄市博仁醫院治療5 天仍未改善。後來患者出現活動力降低、四肢無力且反覆發燒送至高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院檢查(高醫)診斷為腺病毒感染引起之腦膜腦炎。經過一個月的住院治療後出院,但患者仍有四肢無力需依靠家屬協助推輪椅,因此於民國106 年6 月20 日至本院中醫門診就診,經中醫辨證論治後,我們臆斷為痿證,其證型為肺有餘熱、心脾兩虛及濕熱內蘊。我們採用中藥與針灸的治療,治則為清熱潤肺、補益心脾及清利濕熱。經過了一週的治療後患者即可自行行走;兩週後可以奔跑。本文首先發現中藥與針灸治療可以做為腺病毒腦膜腦炎後四肢無力的治療選擇之一。



This was a 6-year-old girl patient who suffered from fever and abdominal distension on May 15th, 2017 and went to POJEN General Hospital for medication but in vain. On May 20th, 2017, the girl still had fever with activity reduced and paraplegia and she was brought to Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital for further management. After survey, the girl was diagnosed with meningoencephalitis caused by adenovirus and she was hospitalized for 1 month. Because of her stable condition, she was discharged from Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital but still with paraplegia and needed a wheelchair for moving. She visited our Chinese Medicine Department for help on June 20th, 2017. The diagnosis of flaccidity syndrome(痿證)was impressed and the syndrome type in Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) were incomplete abatement of heat in lung(肺有餘熱), heart and spleen deficiency(心脾兩虛)and retention of damp-heat in the body(濕熱內蘊). Then we used Chinese medicine combined with acupuncture to clean the abatement of heat in lung, nourish heart and spleen and clean the damp-heat in the body. After 1-week treatment, the girl could walk and she could run in 2-week treatment. In this case report, we first showed that acupuncture combined with Chinese Medicine could become a therapeutic option for paraplegia after meningoencephalitis caused by adenovirus.


起訖頁 145-160
關鍵詞 中醫針灸中藥腺病毒腦膜腦炎四肢無力Traditional Chinese MedicineacupunctureChinese Medicinemeningoencephalitis caused by adenovirusparaplegia
刊名 中醫藥雜誌  
期數 201906 (30:1期)
出版單位 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所(原:國立中國醫藥研究所)
該期刊-上一篇 針刺對復健治療中的腦中風患者復原時間之影響
該期刊-下一篇 中西醫結合治療吸入性肺炎合併膿胸病例報告




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