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The Japanese Legal Framework of Public Tender Offer with a Comparison Between the Systems of Taiwan and Japan
作者 戴銘昇
The Japanese system of public tender offer, introduced in 1971 by referring to the American laws, can be divided into two main parts: public tender offer made by non-issuers and issuers (i.e. company’s purchase of its own shares). Japan’s Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, focusing primarily on mandatory public tender offer, differs clearly from the fundamental framework of Taiwan’s Securities and Exchange Act. While adding the public tender offer system on January 29, 1988, Taiwan has chosen the foundation of non-mandatory public tender offer. Even though we can observe Japanese’s deep influence on Taiwan’s public tender offer system, there are quite many subtitle differences between the two, which may not be itemized due to limitations of space. Accordingly, only several important differences will be chosen for discussion at the end of this article. Generally speaking, compared to its Japanese counterpart, Taiwanese public tender offer framework is overly favorable to the offeror, which shall be vastly changed to fulfill the legislative intent of investment protection.
起訖頁 18-37
關鍵詞 強制公開收購應賣人撤銷權公開收購條件變更公開收購說明書全部收購義務Mandatory Public Tender OfferTenderer's Right of CancellationModifications to the Purchase ConditionsPublic Tender Offer ProspectusObligation of Full Purchase
刊名 月旦法學雜誌  
期數 201906 (289期)
出版單位 元照出版公司
DOI 10.3966/102559312019060289002   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 評釋字第770號解釋現金逐出合併案
該期刊-下一篇 大法庭應如何運作




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