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活化閒置空間為高齡者日間照顧據點推動策略之研究-- 以社區活動中心為例
Reuse Vacant Space as Day Care Center for Aged People-- A Case Study of Community Center
作者 陳柏宗 (Po-Tsung Chen)蘇玲玉 (Ling-Yu Su)王雅婷 (Ya-Ting Wang)

因應高齡者與失智患者不斷增加且需要提供長期照顧的需求,我國自2007年正式推展社區照顧,並將設置日間照顧中心做為長期照顧十年1.0與2.0計畫的施政重點。截至2016年12月底為止,全臺已有84間由公有場地轉作為日間照顧中心據點,日照數量更由原有的203間增加至247間。為了解各縣市政府在釋出閒置活動中心為社區式日間照顧中心的過程中可能面臨的困難點,本研究以文獻回顧建構學理架構,再以訪談法針對各縣市已開辦或正在辦理中之公部門、營運單位等代表進行調查,記錄轉置過程中所必須注意之相關事項,而後再以請各領域專家針對問題點進行焦點討論,修正並整理提出在未來研究及實務上執行的建議。 研究結果指出,中央與地方政府單位的支持、建構有效率的跨局處溝通平台、校方與地方居民的贊成、民眾對長照觀念的了解、具核心思想的服務團隊以及與在地環境融合等要點,皆為影響能否成功開辦之重要因素。本研究同時彙整各訪談單位提出的因應對策,並整理閒置空間轉作日間照顧中心的推動模式、成功開辦案例的經驗分享,提出在土地與建物申請變更的具體操作流程以及給政府機關及未來欲承辦單位之建議以供參考。



As the number of aged people and people with dementia has increased tremendously, to set up day care centers has been the top priority of public. Taiwan has set up a series of long-term care plans include Ten-Year Long-term Care Program1.0 and 2.0to take care those in need of since 2007. By 2016, there have been84 transferred from public spaces into day care centers which were community centers, schools, and markets et cetera originally. This study aimed to realize how to transfer vacant community centers into day care centers not only from legal level but also from practical status, then to establish a set of design principle for both government and private departments who has interest in. Based on the study, the results indicate the key points of establishing a day care center success-fully including: supports from central authority and local government, efficient negotiations between public departments, locals and education units’ attitude, concepts toward long-term care, outstanding crews and, the combination with local elements. The research also marshals the solutions interviewers have applied to, displays models of transition, and brings up suggestions for public faculties and those who intend to involve in.


起訖頁 049-067
關鍵詞 閒置空間日間照顧社區式長期照顧社區活動中心Day CareVacant SpaceCommunity-Based Long-Term CareCommunity Center
刊名 建築學報  
期數 201812 (106增刊期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 住宅無障礙與通用化設計之用後評估--以臺北市興隆公共住宅1區為例




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