中文摘要 |
1895年到1945年間,日本佔領台灣並徹底實施日語為國語的殖民語政策。1945年迄今,國民政府以華語取代日語繼續執行殖民語政策。日語與華語對台語詞庫均有無法抵擋的影響。筆者搜集日本時期二位小說家(鄭溪泮、賴仁聲)自1924年至1960年之間以台語羅馬字所寫的五本小說,並在電腦輔助斷詞之後集成一個113,880詞的詞庫。另又搜集1990年代二位小說家(陳雷、陳明仁)的台語小說,集成另一個94,910詞的詞庫。比較這二個詞庫,發現日語對台語小說寫作的影響並非如同預測顯著降低,然而華語的影響則因華語語言政策而不斷增進。比較這二個時期的台語本土語層與借詞,研究結果為:國府時期的本土語層之詞彙密度較高,且詞彙擴充正在進行中。 |
英文摘要 |
This article explores the rhyme and Chinese Character Use in Lu Han-Xiu's Taiwanese Poem Chun1-thinn1-E5-Hue1-Lui2. As for the rhyme, I first looked at Lu's inductive rhyme patterns in terms of the standard scheme of possible metric-foot patterns. Next, I compared Lu's poems with Taiwanese folklore literature in terms of “loose” and “strict” rhyming, changing rhyme frequency, and categories of metric-foot patterns. Then I compared the standard metric foot pattern with Lu's special type of alternating rhymes. As for character use, I focused on different pronunciations of the same concept or similar concept to understand Lu's opinion of Chinese characters. I then collected the Taiwanese characters used in Lu's poems and analyzed his choices of Taiwanese character patterns. Finally, from the standpoint of the poet's character-sound system, I elucidated his character system. |