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Scrutiny-Standard of Prior Restraint Doctrine: Interpretation No. 744 and U.S. Scrutiny-Standard Comparison
作者 楊智傑
In interpretation No. 744, Grand Justices in R.O.C. take the U.S. cases as reference, and be influenced by Justice Lin concurring opinions in interpretation No. 644, adopting a more stringent scrutiny-standard on expression-prior-restraint issues. Several Justices announce in advance that, in the future the new scrutiny-standard will applied in all expression-prior-restraint issues, Interpretation No. 414 standard on prior restraint of commercial speech and Interpretation No. 445 standard on time-place-and –manner regulation will be overruled quietly. This research has found that, Grand Justices had misunderstood the Scrutinystandard and contents of Prior Restraint Doctrine in the U.S. Although courts in U.S. usually said that “prior restraint of expression bearing a heavy presumption against it constitutional validity”, actually they didn’t take the strict scrutiny in all times, but turn back to the categorical approach on different contents and forms of expression. If there were any uniform standards in prior restraint doctrine, they may be: 1. there should be narrow, objective, and definite standards to guide the licensing authority, and 2. prompt judicial review. This paper will explain why U.S. courts can’t apply strict scrutiny in all cases: 1. prior restraint cover different categorical cases, the strict standard developed from the injunction on press is not suited for other situations; 2. In regard to public forums and designated public forum, some kind of administration is needed, and the administration can’t be unconstitutional in principle.
起訖頁 89-143
關鍵詞 釋字第744號解釋商業言論言論事前限制時間地點方式管制公共論壇Grand Justices Interpretation No. 744Commercial SpeechPrior Restraint of ExpressionTime-Place-and –Manner RegulationPublic Forum
刊名 憲政時代  
期數 201707 (43:1期)
出版單位 中華民國憲法學會
DOI 10.3966/101665132017074301004   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 「改革」大纛下的勇敢「說法」?──「許宗力法院」第一年即展現司法積極主義




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