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篇名 |
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Does Ambidexterity Enhance Supplier’s Performance? The Cross-Level Effect of Central-Satellite Supply Network Ambidexterity from Combined View |
作者 |
黃銘章 |
中文摘要 |
組織的「二元俱存能力」被視為一種提升廠商績效的動態能力,雖然部分研究的結果支持二元俱存能力與績效之間的正向關係,但近來也有部分研究及實證結果指出二元俱存能力與廠商績效之間的關係並不顯著,甚至有研究發現兩者存在負向的關係。因此,二元俱存能力對於廠商績效的影響,仍是具有爭議的議題。本研究從結合觀點提出一個跨層次模型,主張在供應網絡層級,供應鏈整合可以促進中衛體系供應網絡的二元俱存能力;供應商績效除了受自己本身二元俱存能力的影響之外,也有可能直接受惠於中衛體系供應網絡的二元俱存能力,中衛體系供應網絡的二元俱存能力也會正向調節供應商二元俱存能力與供應商績效間的正向關係。本研究以臺灣中衛體系的廠商進行實證,共計回收30家中心廠與103家協力廠的資料,配對後進行層級線性模式分析,實證的結果支持本研究的主張。本研究的跨層次觀念架構將分析單位延伸到網絡層級,有助於釐清二元俱存能力與績效間關係的爭議。 |
英文摘要 |
Ambidexterity is a kind of dynamic capability that enhances a firm’s performance. Though some empirical works support the positive relationship between ambidexterity and a firm’s performance, some recent empirical results indicate insignificant even negative relationship. The relationship between ambidexterity and a firm’s performance remains mixed. This study proposes a cross-level model from combined view that suggests supply chain integration can promote central-satellite supply network ambidexterity to overcome the tension between exploration and exploitation at a supply network level. Suppliers can benefit from central-satellite supply network ambidexterity directly. Central-satellite supply network ambidexterity also positively moderates the relationship between a firm ambidexterity and a supplier’s performance. Evidence from 30 central firms and 103 satellite firms that were listed in Taiwanese Central-Satellite Production System supported our research hypotheses. This cross-level framework extends the unit of analysis to a network level and contributes to the clarification of some arguments of the ambidexterity- performance relationship. |
起訖頁 |
103-154 |
關鍵詞 |
二元俱存、中衛體系供應網絡、利用策略、探索策略、結合觀點、ambidexterity、central-satellite supply network、exploitation、exploration、combined view |
刊名 |
組織與管理 |
期數 |
201708 (10:2期) |
出版單位 |
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子公司影響力如何而來?內部鑲嵌、理性與全然不確定性觀點 |
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