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Examine the Difficulties and Limits of Public Hospital PFI in Japan through Terminated Cases
作者 林淑馨 (Shu-Hsin Lin)
In late 1990s, PFI is regarded as a new way of constructing basic social infrastructures in Japan, the PFI projects cover a wide range of areas, but 2 out of 5 formally operating hospital projects resulted to failure and termination within 3 years. Public Hospital becomes a less successful field when implementing PFI, thereby triggers the author's motivation to look further into the study field and examine the difficulties and limits of public hospital PFI in Japan through 2 terminated cases. Study results shows that, in order to decrease local financial pressure and strengthen the publicity of regional medical, introducing private investment could be a 'mean', to ensure the 'goal' of achieving the publicity of regional medical. Therefore, the author believes that the success of PFI is related to 3 factors: (1) Ecological Environment of Markets(2) BusinessFeatures (3) Business Scope. If the 3 factors could not be fully satisfied, then PFI may not be the best option for medical reformation at the meantime. Moreover, when implementing medical reforms, we could consider categorizing public hospital into 2 kinds: metropolitan hospitals and remote area hospitals, the latter ones have fewer patients, and without sufficient medical resources comparing to the former ones. To ensure the publicity of medical service and efficiency, we can choose teaching hospitals as top priority for privatization, because teaching hospitals themselves derive from educational industry, they could look at situations from a public sector perspective. However, to compensate the loss of private industries for providing medical and public health service, the government should set up a grant system to enhance their motivation of offering regional medical service.
起訖頁 1-27
關鍵詞 民間融資提案公立醫院公辦民營物超所值公私協力Public Finance Initiative (PFI)Public HospitalPrivatizationMore than Value's Worth Public-Private Partnership
刊名 公共事務評論  
期數 201306 (14:1期)
出版單位 中華公共事務管理學會
該期刊-下一篇 論中華民國國軍廉政制度改革




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