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A 180 million’s Lesson - How Mega Bank’s Misconducts Violate Anti- Money Laundering Law in the U.S.
作者 林志潔
Mega International Commercial Bank of Taiwan pays a 180 million penalty for violating federal and New York anti-money laundering law, including the AML and BSA law. It is the huge amount that a Taiwan-based financial institution had never been penalized by U.S. authorities. The incident has exposed the serious deficiencies within the Mega’s compliance program and anti-money laundering control system. It also reflects the weakness of Taiwan’s control of AML system. The different AML systems among the countries will expose the industries to a high risk of violation of the related regulations. Lacking the awareness of the legal difference will lead to serious consequences. This paper introduces Mega Bank case and the consent order between Mega Bank and the NYDFS. This paper also analyzes the regulations of Anti-Money Laundering in the Federal and also State of New York. Finally, this paper focuses on the current Taiwan’s Money Laundering Control Act and its amendment bill. What happens to the Mega Bank in 2016 is an important lessons. Establishing a robust internal controls and regulatory compliance programs is the top priority to all Taiwan’s financial institutes who want to run their business in the U.S. 
起訖頁 34-48
關鍵詞 洗錢兆豐金融監理法令遵循合意裁罰Money LaunderingMega BankFinancial Supervisory
刊名 月旦法學雜誌  
期數 201612 (259期)
出版單位 元照出版公司
DOI 10.3966/102559312016120259003   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 由兆豐銀案談銀行監理──由銀行治理及銀行保密法之遵循出發
該期刊-下一篇 概觀日本「關於刑事案件中沒收第三人所有物程序之應急對策法」




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