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A study on Niklas Luhmann's political system theory
作者 劉宜君 (I-Chun Liu)王千文
The government-implemented 2nd Generation National Health Insurance (NHI) scheme involved the merger of the Health Insurance Supervisory Board and the Committee on National Insurance Health Expenses to create the NHI Committee, a body responsible for health insurance rates, adequate pay range establishment, and the allocation of other health care costs. Committee representatives for insurance payers and medical insurance service providers retain the position for two years, with one renewal. In addition, a further stipulation requires no less than a one-fifth turnover of new members every session. On January 29, 2012, the Ministry of Health and Welfare published the NHI Committee’s second session membership list, but did not provide explanations regarding changes in personnel. Given their role in formulating the cost of medical expenses and allocating resources in this area, this research posits that there should be a variety of standards by which the NHI Committee is evaluated, including a substantive analysis of committee meeting agendas and minutes, as well as an evaluation of the role and investment of each committee member. Our research found that while the majority of committee members attend NHI’s monthly meeting, very few members attend the full program of meetings. Those who contributed the most during meetings were representatives of medical insurance service providers, with some members actively broaching a particular proposal and engaging in active debate. The representatives who spoke on behalf of other parties comprised the majority of meeting attendees. In addition to an increase in participation by committee members at meetings, there was a noticeable increase in the strategic nature of their contributions to the discussion. Finally, our research suggests that the Ministry of Health and Welfare should increase their autonomy and heteronomy, and prioritize reappointments to actively participating members to strengthen the roles played by committee members.
起訖頁 033-055
關鍵詞 全民健康保險全民健康保險會委員會內容分析法National Health Insurance policyNational Health Insurance Committeecommitteecontent analysis
刊名 社會研究學報  
期數 201610 (2:2期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學
該期刊-上一篇 「哈伯瑪斯-魯曼-爭論」之初探
該期刊-下一篇 地方公務員對節慶治理模式之探討




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