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The Conception of Separation of Powers in the Constitutional Case: Law of Taiwan
作者 蔡宗珍 (Tzung-jen Tsai)
The institutions and practice of separation of powers among constitutional states have some common theoretical foundations and historical origins, yet the situation on the ground varies significantly, due to differences between individual constitutional systems. Statutory constitutional law is the normative framework of the powers of the state, which shapes and guides the development of separation of powers. Under the specific constitutional texts, the actual function of constitutionalism and the practice of constitutional review start to develop, and the conception of separation of powers designed or supported by the constitution become gradually crystallized.
In Taiwan, the “Constitution-Interpretations” of the Constitutional Court of the Judicial Yuan play an active and crucial role in the development of Taiwanese constitutionalism, from authoritarian period through democratic transitions to the currently relatively stable democracy. Through a special procedure of “Judicial Interpretation of the Constitution”, the Grand Justices of the Constitutional Court are often deemed to be the adviser of constitutionalism and inquired by the government to provide solutions to constitutional disputes. Therefore, the views and positions of the Justices to the separation of powers should be extremely influential in the resolution of constitutional disputes, which requires further research.
This article thus begins firstly with a theoretical account of the key elements that contribute to the development of the ideas of separation of powers. Secondly, the article observes the relations between the special features of state powers designed by the constitution and the historical milestones of the development of constitutionalism in Taiwan. Finally, this article analyzes the conception of separation of powers embedded in various interpretations of the Justices through the following eight different dimensions: 1) the requirement of the specific enactment of a statute and the power of administrative rule-making; 2) the right of legislative initiative; 3) the investigative power of the Control Yuan and the right to information of the Legislative Yuan; 4) the meaning of political accountability; 5) the constitutionality of Vice President holding concurrently the post of Premier of the Executive Yuan; 6) the budgetary power; 7) the power to decide on personnel affairs of independent agencies; and 8) the content and boundaries of rule of law.
起訖頁 491-558
關鍵詞 權力分立憲法解釋法律保留憲政體制Separation of PowersConstitution-InterpretationsRequirement of the Specific Enactment of a StatuteConstitutional System
刊名 憲政時代  
期數 201504 (40:4期)
出版單位 中華民國憲法學會
DOI 10.3966/101665132015044004002   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 從德國聯邦憲法法院「歐洲穩定機制」判決──試論我國「服貿協議」之國會參與權與資訊權
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