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政大法學評論 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Civil Code § 483-1: A Comparative Study on Japan and Taiwan
作者 徐婉寧 (Wan-Ning Hsu)
Civil Code § 483-1 was enacted and promulgated in 1999, and so the employer’s duty to care for employee safety and health becomes a statutory one. However, when the employee pursues the employer’s responsibility for damages in the legal context of an exploration of liability for non-performance of an obligation in a contract relationship under the Civil Code, it is very difficult for the employee to specify the content of the violation of the duty to care for safety because Civil Code § 483-1 is very abstract. In praxis of Jurisdiction in Taiwan it seems unusual to specify the actual content of such duty on the part of the employer; neither do scholarly opinions. From the both theoretical and practical aspects, through the analyses of the relationship between Civil Code § 483-1 and the Labor Safety and Health Act and the Gender Equality in Employment Act, the relationship among Civil Code § 483- 1, § 487-1, and § 184, and the cases in Taiwan, this research will construct a framework of the actual content of the employer’s duty to care for safety.
起訖頁 239-304
關鍵詞 保護照顧義務勞工安全衛生法保護他人之法律債務不履行民法第四八三條之一民法第四八七條之一性別工作平等法性騷擾Employer’s Duty to Care for Employee Safety and HealthLabor Safety and Health ActCivil Code § 483-1Civil Code § 487-1Responsibility for Damages under the Civil CodeGender Equality in Employment Act Sexual HarassmentEmployment Injury 68
刊名 政大法學評論  
期數 201409 (138期)
出版單位 國立政治大學法律學系
DOI 10.3966/102398202014090138004   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 股份有限公司董事報酬請求權之研究




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