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On the Constitutionality of the Mandatory Public Tender Offers: Focused on the Article 43-1 of the Securities and Exchange Act
作者 李建良 (Chien-Liang Lee)
Also known as the 'rule of the stock market', the purpose of the Securities and Exchange Act is to facilitate national economy and protect investment. The subjects of regulation are private entities and private law relations, while the structure is mainly public law oriented regulations of financial supervision and management. From a legal aspect, the regulation contains various unregulated areas, general authorization and disordered subsequent regulations; from an organizational perspective, private law organizations, namely the Taiwan Stock Exchange and the GreTai Securities Market, are responsible for the management of the stock market; as for the legal consequences, the means of control mainly consists of administrative penalties, with a few instances of criminal penalties. It should be discussed whether the situation above is concurrent with the principles of a constitutional state. This article takes a public law point of view, and chooses the controversial article 43-1 of the Securities and Exchange Act as the entry point for preliminary discussion, engaging in a jurisprudence speculation from the legal aspect and administrative aspect of constitutional control, with hopes of helping the development of relevant legal thinking, amendment of regulations, forming of new theories, and the general elevation of the standards of legal research in Taiwan.
起訖頁 45-69
關鍵詞 金融管理證券交易強制公開收購法律明確性原則立法形成自由比例原則Financial ManagementSecurities TradingMandatory Public Tender OffersPrinciple of Legal CertaintyDiscretion of the Legislative PowerPrinciple of Proportionality
刊名 憲政時代  
期數 201407 (40:1期)
出版單位 中華民國憲法學會
DOI 10.3966/101665132014074001005   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 財經管制法制的憲法思考與談(三)
該期刊-下一篇 強制公開收購證券法制的合憲性控制與談(一)




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