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On the Cost-Benefit Analysis of Carbon Sequestration under Considering Opportunity Cost
作者 林俊成柳婉郁 (Wan-Yu Liu)
In order to reduce the negative impact due to the climate change resulting from increasing greenhouse gases, many countries in the world have actively adopted various kinds of approaches to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Among those the forest carbon sink/sequestration has been regarded as one of the strategies which can provide the lowest costs for the reduction of emissions. Since forests are increasingly recognized as playing a key role in reducing carbon dioxide, forest carbon sinks have been included in Kyoto protocol as one of the mechanisms in mitigating climate change. According to Kyoto Protocol Article 3.3 and 3.4, the production of CO2 sequestration and emission due to the strategies, which includes increasing afforestation, reforestation, deforestation (ARD) and improving forest management, can be merged to the amount of national emissions reduction. Concerning the economics of a country, forest management is a good cost-effective strategy for carbon reduction. The aim of this paper is to assess the economic cost and benefit of carbon reduction under China Fir plantation at Lien-Hua-Chih. In this research, we found that profits from harvest of timber have not been taken into consideration as part of the opportunity costs of carbon sequestration in previous studies, which may have caused underestimation of the carbon sequestration cost of human-made forest plantations. Based on the results of empirical simulation conducted in this research, a 20-year-old China Fir plantation yields a carbon sequestration volume of 54.22 tons after the opportunity costs are taken into consideration. Each hectare yields a present value of benefit of NT54,154.85 from carbon sequestration and NT225,931.69 from timber harvest. And each hectare incurs an accumulated carbon sequestration cost of NT226,808.69, and the unit carbon sequestration cost comes to NT4,183.28/ton. After factoring in the opportunity costs of carbon sequestration, the average unit cost of carbon sequestration rises from NT2,253.78 to NT2,866.42. To be thorough, this research brought in three additional carbon release ratios to calculate the unit carbon sequestration cost. Results show that, under the configuration of dispersed price function, the per-ton cost of carbon sequestration falls between NT362 and NT3,279.25, and when configured under continuous price function, the per-ton carbon sequestration cost falls between NT898.20 and NT5,309.86. Estimates derived from this research are generally consistent to the carbon sequestration costs estimated in the previous studies published internationally.
起訖頁 61-102
關鍵詞 京都議定書碳吸存成本效益機會成本 Kyoto ProtocolCarbon SequestrationCost-Benefit AnalysisOpportunity Cost
刊名 應用經濟論叢  
期數 201012 (88期)
出版單位 國立中興大學應用經濟學系
該期刊-上一篇 能源期貨波動、交易活動和結構轉變
該期刊-下一篇 市場力量和R&D對貿易福利之影響──以黃豆貿易市場為例




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